Vicidial hosting companies in United Kingdom

Vicidial hosting is the important activity for any organization dealing with Inbound and Outbound calls.  It is important to understand that the dialing feature requires a large amount of storage as the call recordings will have to be stored and managed by the organization. 

For such a feature to be enabled Vicidial requires a certain range of hosting on the servers. Companies across geographic location today will allow hosting of Vicidial on their respective servers with various hosting options


This company provides the hosting of Vicidial solutions. They term themselves as the only company in UK which has acquired the approval to host Vicidial call center solution as they are the only hosting partner with Vicidial

Call center solution for a 1000-seater team setup is required then Antheus will be the best option to choose from the set of hosting providers. Since Antheus is common among users it is necessary to understand that it provides a great scalability to attract the users to use their platform. Also, the platform is flexible, reliable and a cost-effective solution. 

They have various pricing models which help the end user to choose from the list of available choices. This firm has existed in the market for almost 20 years and since they have existed for a long time it is easy for a customer to choose this provider because it clearly proves their reliability and the ability to sustain in the market.

They have various innovative solutions that can help the customer to handle their requirements on hosting setup. This company offers an end to end solution for business IP phone systems. Antheus gives solutions like a complete end to end IT service enterprise that starts from system design and analysis, security, networking, disaster recovery  both at the software and the hardware level. 

Antheus can be considered as a complete solution for the company’s telephone needs. Generally these kinds of Vicidial setup would be required mostly for the Insurance domain industry at any moment. Hence Insurance industries will have to keep the data and the call details in a secure way and hence Antheus is trusted because of its existence in the region for multiple years.

 As a Vicidial partner, Antheus is fully certified and the engineers have the complete integration details of Vicidial. The engineers are completely aware of the Vicidial setup and they have undergone various training sessions with the Vicidial team and hence Antheus today is clearly a better solution in the UK region. Though there are various hosting solutions in the UK region, the most trusted solution is Antheus as it has a straight away partnership with Vicidial. They have great expertise in hosting the solution in this geographic region.

Call Center Hosting

This is another company which helps in hosting the virtual servers and also the solutions required for Call centers. This firm is available at multiple geographic locations This organization has the ability to set up Inbound Call center, Outbound call center, Virtual call center and Blended call center. There are various other solutions that are available like Auto Dialer, Progressive dialer, Robo Dialer, Vicidial hosting and Goauto dial hosting.

There is also an option of a predictive dialer which helps in understanding the business needs of the organization. Predictive dialer comes with various options like connecting with thousands of viable customers while filtering out the busy, disconnected, no answer, and voicemail calls. 

All you have to do is upload a contact list and set a dial ratio. This call center organization helps in Vicidial hosting solutions. This firm provides various security levels and hence it is also one of the preferred hosting Vicidial centers in the UK region.


This company comes with various options of hosting which are generally the Shared hosting, Dedicated hosting and the virtual hosting. The virtual hosting is the most preferred one by the Website owners. This company is mainly focussed on E-Commerce based hosting and it is well seen in their catalogue of information. Since the team has a great knowledge on E-Commerce they offer a lot of inbuilt solutions for launching E-Commerce solutions.

They have an option to open an Online Store with a great customization. Once you decide to get enrolled with this website you will see a lot of options on Marketing management. This product allows you to gather the analytics of the website traffic which will in turn give you the real time data on the customers who tend to buy your products. If you get the details on a daily basis then what else you would look for to improve your business.


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